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Yad Vashem -  The Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority , is the largest museum of its kind in the world. It is part of a complex of structures which include an archive, a school for the study of the Holocaust, an international institute for Holocaust research and a museum of Holocaust art. The museum was established in 1953 by Knesset law in order to perpetuate the memory of six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust by German Nazis and their collaborators.
In March 2005, after a renovation which took ten years to complete, the new museum, replacing the former one, opened its doors. The museum is built in the shape of an arrow, 180 meters long, which penetrates into the mountain on one side and comes out on the other. Daylight comes in from the vertex of the prism through a strip of glass 200 meters long which cuts through the ridge of the mountain. The museum is about 4,200 square meters, and most of it is underground. It presents the narrative of the Holocaust using a variety of methods: original objects, documents, testimony, films, diaries, letters and art.
There are ten exhibition halls, and in each of them, a different chapter of the Holocaust era is displayed using multimedia, including the testimony of Holocaust survivors, personal possessions which have been contributed by the survivors and their families, or by other museums and commemoration sites throughout the world. These impart a human and personal dimension to the stories of the Holocaust victims.  
The triangular structure of the museum symbolizes and conceptualizes the walls gradually closing in on the Jews of Europe. At the entrance to each hall, there are displays which prevent free passage and which force visitors to visit all of the exhibition halls.

Openning hours:Sunday - Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00. Thursday in the months from April to October at 9:00 to 20:00. Fridays and holiday eves 09:00 - 14:00. The museum is closed on Saturdays and Jewish holidays in Israel

Price: Free admission for ages 10 and older.

Phone: 972-2-6443802

Location: Memorial Mountain, west of Bait Vagan neighborhood.

WebsiteClick Here​​

Jerusalem - Yad Vashem
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