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The Galilee - Kefar Cana

Cana is a Muslim- Christian Arab village located north of Nazareth and  occupies a place of honor in Christian history. According to tradition, the first miracle happened here. In the New Testament we are told that Jesus was invited with his disciples and his mother Miriam  into a Jewish wedding in the village. During the wedding, Mary noticed  that the wine ran out, she knew it might bring shame on the organizers of the wedding and brought her to her son for help. Jesus told the servants to fill six large  jars stone with  water and turned them into wine. Cana is also as the place where Bartolomeo (Nathaniel) one of the 12 apostles lived.
A narrow street in  the main road of the village Leading into the  two churches commemorating the miracle of the wedding - one Catholic and one Orthodox. Before Christmas, the whole street is decorated with ornaments in the form of bells, stars and flowers.
Franciscan-Catholic  Church stands east of the street and hard to miss. Top of the impressive facade towering towers that symbolized both the bride and groom, the pillars of the family, symbolized here by the architectural dome roof of the church in his head. The Catholic Church was established in 1879 under the supervision of a monk from Salzburg who lived here many years and preferred to build a church-style churches in his city. Under the current church structure hidden in many archaeological finds, some of which are presented in the exhibition place. Once stood here a synagogue, and that indicates an Aramaic inscription displayed instead. From the Byzantine period (fifth century apparently) stood here a magnificent church destroyed and several pages of integrated modern front of the church. Established over the ruins of a Byzantine church. The altar stands on a stone urn, symbolizing the miracle and above which a drawing of the class. Three-dimensional picture frame reminiscent of a Greek temple facade, and the bottom six to stone.
Down the road from the west, the Orthodox Church is commemorating the event.  The church was established in the second half of the 16th century and  went through a period when used as a mosque. The current Church was build in 1886. Prayer hall interior full with icons. The altar was hidden by the iconostasis which fixed some drawn pictures. Both sides of the hall are two stone, which according to the Orthodox are the original stone which is the miracle.

Openning hours: The Catholic Church Open every day: summer 8:00 - 12:00, 14:00 to 18:00, winter 8:00 to 12:00, 14:00 to 17:00, Sundays 8:00 to 12:00. Orthodox Church Open daily 13:30 to 8:30

Price: Free


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