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The magnificent synagogue,the Hurva (ruin, in english) stands in the main square of the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.
In 1700 immigrants who came from Poland, the largest convoy in history of Jerusalem, which numbered about a thousand people, led by Rabbi Judah the Hasid. Till Then there was  not Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem, and the few Ashkenazies disappeared into the Spanish community. Rabbi Yehudah was the founder of the Ashkenazi community in the city. This community  bought land not far from the Sephardic synagogues. Rabbi Judah Hasid died immediately upon arrival to Jerusalem, and his congregation could not organize themselves economically, their debts have grown up  and they were forced to leave Jerusalem and went to Safed. Since than the synagogue  place was called Horbat Rabbi Yehudah.
The synagogue building was made possible only during the Egyptian occupation, some 100 years later. During the War of Independence, served as the roof of the synagogue important key position to protect the Jewish Quarter, and thus the Jordanian Legion destroyed him immediately after his conquest. After 1967, various proposals have been made for reconstruction, and finally decided to leave it in ruins, a monument to the destruction  of  the Jewish Quarter in the years 1948-1967. In 2005, after much discussions, it was decided to rebuild the synagogue and it was dedicated in 2010 in its full glory.
You must register in advance for a tour in the synagogue.

Openning hours: 9 - 16

Price: 15 NIS per adult

LocationThe Jewish Quarter.


Website: Click Here

Jerusalem - The Hurva Synagogue
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